Hiring challenges for experienced LegalTech professionals has always been a difficult task and that continues to be the case as more and more law firms are planning the purchase of a new system, a major upgrade, or the move to the cloud.


Just like our clients, vendors are suffering from the difficulty to recruit, train and then retain good people. Our clients repeated report the delay in response from first line support to resolution.  Days can pass waiting for the answer.  In addition, vendors are focused on their applications and cannot really help with integrations and a firm’s estate of servers and networking issues.


For a small subscription fee, ITFS can take a more holistic view of your firm and offer premier support for your PMS, DMS and CRM. We’ll triage your issues and identify whether it is an issue for a vendor or the user to resolve.  We’ll identify the root cause and update your logged call with a vendor accordingly, pointing you or the vendor where to look.


We are relatively small (but growing!), and one of the benefits of signing with us for Premium Support is our black book of trusted associates we can introduce (with no fee to us).  Basically, if we cannot help, we know someone who can. 

 To discuss further, please contact us.




+44 7971 537596