Project Kid Break 

As your AAC support team, we have been racking our brains on how we can help you juggle everything you are trying to do on the home/work front. One common challenge we are seeing is finding creative ways to occupy the kids, especially the K-8 crowd, while you are handling conference calls and deadlines.  We are very excited to announce a new opportunity available for your children! AAC, Inc. has teamed up with three NYC teachers to host a weekly sessions for three different age groups. During this time, children will engage in various activities as well as interact with children across the country. NO PREPARATION and NO HOMEWORK are required - these activities are meant to be a fun way to give everyone a bit of a break.


We launched this program last week and all 60 slots quickly filled up.  We just distributed an expanded schedule for Week Two and it too is filling up so we are working on engaging additional teachers to expand the program.  Information is sent out weekly to communicate the date, time, content of each session, and the link to register. If you are not on our mailing list and would like to take advantage of this program, please contact Angela Trevino at ATrevino{at}

Swen Nielsen

AAC, Inc

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