Randy Steere will be offering a 2-day Aderant Tables Training Class in Denver, Colorado on October 14th and 15th. This very popular class covers the tables most used in report writing and provides excellent insight into how Aderant Expert works. The class is helpful for anyone new to the product, needs a refresher on the latest version, or anyone who needs to write or understand reports or inquiries. Classes typically include both finance and technical staff and Basic SQL is taught during the exercises. SQL scripts will be written for WIP, AR, Time Worked, Bills, Cash, Client Credits, Trusts and Writeoffs. Other topics such as AP and GL are covered as time allows. Please let me know if you are interested. If that date or location does not work for you, please let me know that as well.
The class will cost $1,000 per person. For more information, contact Randy directly at RSteere@DFTech.com, 617 794-4100.