Concerned about Sierra?  Let's have a catch up over a cup of tea at Momentum Europe.  I will find a table and put a sign up !

I had very positive feedback in Denver around extra resources being allocated to Sierra and adding cloud ops to the support portal.  The Sierra solution has evolved significantly since some of you have started and I think users are not aware of the current thinking on what is possible with Sierra and how it can evolve to become “on prem in the cloud” without any problems with performance.

Some of my clients asked for a roundtable on this with Aderant joining for the 2nd half.  However, Aderant would prefer to deal with you all in a case by case manner.  If you do wish to get together at momentum, then let me know and I will fix up something where we can meet – pop along at one of the tea breaks we are sponsoring. 

 Below is a link to a case study from Simplex BI – a consultancy I have an association with in the USA – just to prove Sierra can be done 😊

Case Study

+44 7971 537596